The Firefox's Sorcery
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I am so smad (meaning sad and mad)! The hat I just bought yesterday I accidentally sold to the hat shop person so now i cant buy it back. It was the only one at the bazaar. I am such an idiot. I wish i could go back in time right now to stop my self. I have a question. Is time travel possible yet?
I am soooooooo happy right now! The reason is because about three weeks ago I found this hat on wizards that gives me awesome stuff. It is the second most expensive hat on the site. I couldn't buy it at the time and a week after that I could buy it but it was gone. So I bought some other stuff like an amulet and a hat I can wear when I am a level 35. Then yesterday I found the hat again and the only problem is that I can't wear it until I level 33 but since I am about 6 minibars to that level why not buy it now so I don't lose it again. So now I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Namimg your Game
I think naming a game site is the hardest thing about it. I mean like look at wizard101 they got it easy. They just needed to think what names weren't already taken. My brother and I have thought about the name for a while now. Our first choice was The Secret Life of Magic, but after about a day we thought it was too long. Now I think the Limbo would be good (btw I didn't go to water wizz cuz my mom thought it would rain, but it didn't and by then it was too late) except bro here thinks of the limbo where you go under a bar and try not to touch it. So now we're stuck with now ideas except limbo. I am asking you for ideas for the name of the game we are making. Tell us your idea and if we pick it we will award you with the idea that you got us to make a successful game.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Making a MMORPG.
Sry about not being posting lately. I've been busy doing PvP and I just went to the beach for a while. Now school Is coming back so I have to get ready for that. A few days ago I was up late with my bro in the next bed. We started to talk about wizard101 and then he had the idea for us to make a game similar to Wizards. So we talked about that and it seemed like a good thing to do so i wrote about it in my mini journal book and we got a bunch of stuff to base the game on. I'll tell a bit of it (it's not perfected so bare with me). There's these three brothers and they just inherited a magic school. The middle child wants to learn more advance magic, but that magic is forbidden. He sneaks in to this underground library he quickly raised the demons of this evil dragon, and the brother moved the library to an unknown place deep in space and built a world around it. Now the other brothers are trying to make students to the sckool to help them fight the evil forces and stop the Evil spirit before it reaches it's full power. The game sounds pretty nice, right? It's an MMORPG ( I am not sure what it stands for but it's basically you can fight monsters with friends and it's like wizards) so invite your friends to play it. I'm not done with the full story and if you have ideas for the game just say what you want on the comments place below. Btw I am going to Water Wizz tomorrow so I might not have a post then.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Partner Blogger

This is Christopher Lifecloud. My brother, friend on wizards, PIC (meaning Partner In Crime), and now Blog Partner.
He was looking to make a blog but I told him he could be my partner. He just helps me with the blog and give's me stuff to talk about. Right now he won't stop asking me if i am done with it. Here are a few words from him (normally I wouldn't let him touch my computer but since he's my partner I'll make an exception.
Chris: Hey guys. I'm new here so I hope you like this blog. I'm Cole's brother. He likes to boss me around a lot so... BEWARE! I'm done for now so... bye! Hope you make some comments.
First of all i do not boss him around a lot he just doesn't know when to shut it. Second do any of you know a person who doesn't like pie? Cya on my next post.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Say Hello to Lord Shadow, the newest member to The Firefox's Sorcery.

I got him about a year ago right after Christmas on some Facebook thing. You had to sign up on Facebook from Wizard101 and you had to hope that a bunch of people did that and if you did then you get a Danger Hound. People always ask me where I got my pet and I say on some Facebook contest. He is now an adult on his way to ancient then epic. He gives me the card Infection which allows me well him to put a shield on my opponent to make their next healing spell to only heal them halfway. It is more useful in PvP fights than in duels against monsters but I use it when I can.

I like pets, but honestly I have way too many of the little creatures! I have 2 Piggles, 1 Heckhound, 3 Midnight Sprites, 1 Myth Sprite, 1 Blue Cyclops, 1 Blue Banshee,and 1 Krok. That adds up to TEN Pets (if you don't count Lord Shadow)! I am thinking about selling some, but I think I am too nice to sell a pet, but seriously what should I do about them. Tell me what you think. should I sell some, keep them, find a way to give them to someone else on wizards as a gift or something else.

I got him about a year ago right after Christmas on some Facebook thing. You had to sign up on Facebook from Wizard101 and you had to hope that a bunch of people did that and if you did then you get a Danger Hound. People always ask me where I got my pet and I say on some Facebook contest. He is now an adult on his way to ancient then epic. He gives me the card Infection which allows me well him to put a shield on my opponent to make their next healing spell to only heal them halfway. It is more useful in PvP fights than in duels against monsters but I use it when I can.

I like pets, but honestly I have way too many of the little creatures! I have 2 Piggles, 1 Heckhound, 3 Midnight Sprites, 1 Myth Sprite, 1 Blue Cyclops, 1 Blue Banshee,and 1 Krok. That adds up to TEN Pets (if you don't count Lord Shadow)! I am thinking about selling some, but I think I am too nice to sell a pet, but seriously what should I do about them. Tell me what you think. should I sell some, keep them, find a way to give them to someone else on wizards as a gift or something else.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Easy ways to get gold (on Wizard101).
If anyone one needs gold here are some ways to get it easily. One way this is the easiest play a mini-game on wizards that your good at. Im good at skull riders and each time I play it I get at least 25 gold. Play the game a few times you'll have 200 more gold after. This way is harder go to the haunted cave and fight the field guards as many times as you can but pay attention to your health so you don't get defeated, and sell the things you get, personally I think the scarlet screamers give you more stuff to sell. Next is fighting bosses like the Harvest lord, Lord nightshade, Sergent Skullsplitter, and the Kraken and sell the things you don't need or want. This last one is most likely the hardest. Make a new wizard on the same account. Make it to level ten or twelve then go to your dorm and put every item you got in your shared bank if you have a lot of gold then go to the bazaar and buy something or somethings that you can put in the shared bank the quit and go to your main wizard and take them to our shared bank and put everything in your backpack then sell those things. I did that and then after I sold those things I didn't need and voila I had over a thousand gold extra. This message is for those not subscribed, but if members can find a way to use this for their wizard, then do it and tell others. Tell me what you think because no one have said anything about my posts. Am I a bad blogger or does everyone have soethig better to do in their life than read a kid's blog spot.
Monday, July 19, 2010
I need someone to hangout with.
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, I had some problems with the computer charger, and then after that I forgot how to activate the account that takes care of the blog. So anyway I'm back.
My topic for today is love life. I figured that since I am not gonna get subscribed anytime soon why not find a girl on wizard101 to hangout with. I am a pretty nice, funny guy but it's hard to find a girl who is on at a considerable time (when I am on to be precise). My friend Benjamin Fairydust is a member of Wizard101 and he has recently married a girl on wizards this month. I haven't met her yet but she sounds nice. I wonder how his marriage is going. On his blog He put a video of the marriage ceremony. It was very nice actually.
Here it is;
Well, I think I need to find a girl to hangout with. If it works out I might ask her to marry me. I am not a desperate guy, But my brother he is crazy about girls. Once on wizards I saw this girl who was cute in a some way, and I told my brother. Within three seconds he ported to me and started singing "Baby" by Justin Beiber. She just started making fun of him a bit and told him that she had a guy already. Then my brother snapped. He said that he would defeat this guy to win her love. Then he got in a fight insulting some guy, then he Said to the girl and I quote " I forget you Page". Page is the girl except it is spelled Paige. If you could smack a person on wizards she would slap him into a coma. If she could jump from her computer to my brother then beat him til he wet his pants she would. She HATED him. I told my brother about his mistake and he was scared to death of what she might do. For example she could report him at the least or even track him down just to make him cry on camera and put it on Youtube at the most
My topic for today is love life. I figured that since I am not gonna get subscribed anytime soon why not find a girl on wizard101 to hangout with. I am a pretty nice, funny guy but it's hard to find a girl who is on at a considerable time (when I am on to be precise). My friend Benjamin Fairydust is a member of Wizard101 and he has recently married a girl on wizards this month. I haven't met her yet but she sounds nice. I wonder how his marriage is going. On his blog He put a video of the marriage ceremony. It was very nice actually.
Here it is;
Well, I think I need to find a girl to hangout with. If it works out I might ask her to marry me. I am not a desperate guy, But my brother he is crazy about girls. Once on wizards I saw this girl who was cute in a some way, and I told my brother. Within three seconds he ported to me and started singing "Baby" by Justin Beiber. She just started making fun of him a bit and told him that she had a guy already. Then my brother snapped. He said that he would defeat this guy to win her love. Then he got in a fight insulting some guy, then he Said to the girl and I quote " I forget you Page". Page is the girl except it is spelled Paige. If you could smack a person on wizards she would slap him into a coma. If she could jump from her computer to my brother then beat him til he wet his pants she would. She HATED him. I told my brother about his mistake and he was scared to death of what she might do. For example she could report him at the least or even track him down just to make him cry on camera and put it on Youtube at the most
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Not Subcribed
Hello, sorry I haven't been here for a while. Well you probably don't really notice on a blog except for the date.
I have been playing wizards for nearly two years because I saw the commercial for the 7th time at my cousins place. Anyway I have only subscribed once because My dad got me a gift card for one month. Well one month goes by real fast when your having fun. So then before the card I was a level 21 or something without becoming a member. I honestly think that's impressive because I had to train and fight monsters. Well after that i realized I had a bunch of useless things to sell and then I saw all the gold I had so then I bought a cottage. I had a bit more gold so I bought things to make the house look more full.
Then after I subscribed I tried to train like crazy. Well I did and i finish Wizards City and I got half way done with Krokotopia which is really good for a balance student like me because we practically founded the place. Now I got a plan for gift cards. I get one $10 card and one $20 card, the $10 is for crowns and the $20 is just regular subscribing.
Well I guess that's enough for today. See ya on my next blog (whatever that will be).BYE! : )
I have been playing wizards for nearly two years because I saw the commercial for the 7th time at my cousins place. Anyway I have only subscribed once because My dad got me a gift card for one month. Well one month goes by real fast when your having fun. So then before the card I was a level 21 or something without becoming a member. I honestly think that's impressive because I had to train and fight monsters. Well after that i realized I had a bunch of useless things to sell and then I saw all the gold I had so then I bought a cottage. I had a bit more gold so I bought things to make the house look more full.
Then after I subscribed I tried to train like crazy. Well I did and i finish Wizards City and I got half way done with Krokotopia which is really good for a balance student like me because we practically founded the place. Now I got a plan for gift cards. I get one $10 card and one $20 card, the $10 is for crowns and the $20 is just regular subscribing.
Well I guess that's enough for today. See ya on my next blog (whatever that will be).BYE! : )
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